Sunday, December 20, 2015

7 foods for firm skin PLUS tips

In the previous article I discussed the factors that make your skin ages faster.
In addition, I gave some tips to counteract this effect. But did you know that there are certain foods that can combat aging skin and you can give a sleek look?
Everyone wants a smooth, radiant skin. What you eat can bring you closer to this goal. Although there is no magic food that takes away the wrinkles, the basics are simple. And chances are that you know them by heart:
  • Go for products which by nature are full of nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, fish and other types of healthy proteins.
  • Alternate. For varied food so you get all the vitamins and minerals that you need to ingest.
  • Look beyond your plate. Sleep, exercise and sun still determine what you eat.
All these things will help you look younger and feel younger.
Are you ready to focused look at what to put on your shopping list? These seven foods are a good start.
  1. Oat Products

Complex carbohydrates such as oat products are recommended because they have a low hypoglycemic index.
With a "low hypoglycemic index" we mean foods that your blood sugar does not let peaks such as processed breads, rice and pasta that we can. Foods with a high glycemic index is known to cause acne and wrinkles.
Oat products also contain a natural plant substance that helps prevent damage to your skin and soothe skin irritation.
Try other whole grains such as wheat, barley and brown rice.
  1. Oranges

These are full of water so that they hydrate your skin and your cells. A large orange is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps to produce collagen - which, in turn, helps to keep the skin smooth.
In general, fruits and vegetables are very good for your skin. Go for lots of different colors so you all kinds ingest nutrients.
Also try pink grapefruit, tomatoes and parsley.
  1. Avocado

Avocado is packed with healthy fats, monounsaturated fat, which helps to keep your skin hydrated. This fat can also help you get some vitamins and nutrients to absorb your skin needs.
Try fat dressing and mayonnaise in your salads to replace with avocado. This fruit provides plenty of flavor and texture, and you do not need much to feel full.
Also try olive oil, walnuts and macadamia oil.
  1. Lean beef

Lean beef is a very healthy way to get high quality protein inside. Protein also helps to produce collagen.
A portion of 50 to 100 grams, only two to three times per week. On other days, you can enjoy other types of lean protein.
When you beef roasts, turn it often. If you fry it on a super high heat until crispy and burnt, then will make all the anti-retirement properties Beef undone.
Also try eggs, chicken, tofu, beans and fish.
  1. Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a good source of skin-friendly vitamins A and C and folate.
Their vitamin C promotes collagen. And although it is still necessary to use sunscreen, vitamin A and folate does help in preventing damage from the sun.
If you think back with horror to sprouts because they were cooked to mush when you got them as a child, then you should prepare them simply different: you can fry them with a little olive oil - roasted Brussels sprouts are very tasty!
Try kale, leafy vegetables, broccoli and cauliflower.
  1. Salmon

Salmon is one of the best ways to get your healthy omega-3 fats diet. Some studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids, especially of fish, growing and spreading of skin cancer cells could occur.
Aim for at least two servings of 50 grams of fish per week. Grill the fish and eat while enjoying a side dish that is rich in grains such as brown rice or barley salad.
Also try line and chia seeds, walnuts, mackerel, sardines, whole milk and eggs.
  1. Grapes

Resveratrol, which is from the skin of grapes comes, goes against inflammation. Many people think that it slows down the aging process, thereby it will combat the effects of UV light and sun damage. But you should still use your sunscreen.
Also try roasted peanuts and cocaopoeder.

Tips for optimal skin care

Eating the right foods bring you course already a long way, but what about your overall lifestyle and how can you best take care of your skin?
Therefore I have the following tips for you to put a row!

Clean morning and evening

In the morning, you have grease and dust on your face at bedtime and at night you have sun cream, makeup, dirt and pollen there from washing.
A mild cleanser that matches your skin type (dry, oily or a combination of both) is recommended by most dermatologists. Be careful here though if you have a sensitive skin have, because this will affect how quickly irritated.
You only have two or three times a week to exfoliate your skin with a fine scrub. Avoid scrubs with large grains in it that are irregular in shape and that can irritate your skin.

Take advantage of Vitamin A

Retinoids, which are made of vitamin A, is the minimum basis for each anti-aging routine.
Retinoids come in two forms:
Retinol: you can buy products containing retinol without a prescription.
Tretinoin, adapalene and tazarotene: You will need a doctor's prescription.
Both put on your skin to create more collagen, which gives skin structure and elasticity. Also, they exfoliate the skin by removing dead skin cells to the huidoppevlak to soften the lines.
They can cause mild skin irritation, so you must find the right balance between getting the job done without the skin versatility or rashes caused.
Lubricate also with sunscreen, because they make you more sensitive to the sun.
Use them every night and be patient. It takes months to see an improvement, but it is usually worth the wait.


When your morning stepping out of the shower and after your evening wash your face, then immediately use a moisturizer to hold the water in your skin with a cream rather than a lotion.
This helps your skin soft and smooth out show, which can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Stay well hydrated. Drink water when thirsty. You also get water inside of fruits and vegetables, so add them at every meal.

Sunscreen is a must

You should use sunscreen every day (yes, even when it's cloudy!). This must be at least a factor of 30, and you have to use every day, all year round.
The preference is for suntan creams that zinc oxide or titanium dioxide used to filter the rays. There are now freely available brands you do not give those white complexion like older versions to do.
Often you have to do this at a pharmacy.

Not too much sunbathing

It's bad for you, whether it is under the sun or a tanning bed is.
Sunbathing allows you not only to much exposure to radiation, which can cause cancer, but it also speeds up the aging process (more than 20 minutes per day).
Just visiting the tanning increases your chances of melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.
Instead, use self-tanner or bronze for a risk-free shine.

A healthy diet

Your diet has a strong influence on your skin. 7 in addition to the foods that I have described above, it is of course also important that the rest of your diet looks good.
Choose preferably every day for products such as olive oil, fish like salmon, walnuts and almonds. These have a high content of omega-3 healthy fatty acids, which during aging may help reduce damage and your skin healthy.
Your skin renews itself constantly. The healthier your diet, the more nutrients, your skin for this process and the better your skin looks and feels the time.

Quit smoking

In the previous article I have just discussed how smoking causes your skin ages faster.
You can look forward to a better looking skin if you give up this bad habit. People who smoke have more wrinkles than people who do not smoke.
The physical act of smoking also works to your disadvantage: Repeated facial movements such as sucking on a cigarette, what do you mouth wrinkles, also causes wrinkles.
If you have previously tried to quit, keep trying. There are often a few attempts needed. It's worth it. If you need help, ask your doctor.


Keep your skin young and more tightly need not be too difficult. It simply requires that you are aware of what you eat and how your lifestyle arranges.
If you try, it is important to have patience something new. Your skin needs time to recover. So give it at least a month to evaluate the results before dismissing something as ineffective.


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