Sunday, December 20, 2015

Skin care products to choose a young skin

We all know the beautiful promises, you look younger, wrinkles disappear and you do not remember how old you are, just how fresh your face looks.
The products are difficult to pronounce ingredients like acai, alpha lipoic acid, and alpha hydroxy acid. But do they? Can they really reduce wrinkles and age spots fade?
What ingredients are really effective in skin care products for young skin, there I go deeper into today!

Antioxidants against sun damage and wrinkles

Antioxidants are most well-known nutrients and are found in most plants. But in the one plant is much more than in the other.
Antioxidants help the body the so-called free radicals counter. Free radicals are highly reactive and can react with DNA and other cells through damage it.
These damaged cells accelerate the aging of the skin so things like wrinkles, sagging dry skin, dark spots under your eyes and a sallow skin occur.
Because free radicals are in your body, are antioxidants not only good for your skin but for your entire health. But you can also use antioxidants to the skin.
The following are the ingredients with the most effect in the restoration of the skin and the prevention of skin aging:
  • Acai oil
  • Alpha-lipoic acid
  • Green tea extract
  • Retinol
  • Vitamin V
  • Co-enzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10)
  • Caffeine
Other plant-based treatments for skin changes that can be found in skin care products:
  • Alpha-hydroxy acid
  • Salicylic acid
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Alpha-lipoic acid
Your body makes alpha-lipoic acid, it is in every cell of the body. It is an antioxidant, so it helps to go through the entire body to combat free radicals.
According to the vendors would help alpha-lipoic acid against wrinkles and fine lines, narrowing the pores and give the skin a healthy glow.

Green Tea Extract

Tea contains so-called polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidants and help fight free radicals.
There is investigated the protective effects of green the- extract on the skin. It showed that it can help protect against the harmful effects of the sun.
You would therefore green tea extract may be used (among the sunscreen of course) in order to protect the skin as double. Creams and lotions with polyphenols claim to help to slow down the skin aging and to reduce the sagging skin and wrinkles.


Retinol is nowadays often in creams and lotions for the skin. It is made from vitamin A and stimulate collagen production.
It would also make it plumps the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and give the skin a more even color (and thus help against spots and blemishes).
Tretinoin is a stronger version of retinol and is often prescribed by dermatologists. According to dermatologists would tretinoïde help with discoloration of the skin and acne, and it would also slow the skin aging.
Although retinol so a weaker version of this is, it does not mean it does not help. It can still help with the health of the skin, but with worse problems, it is wise to consult a dermatologist and ask for the stronger version.
Products with retinol can cause dry skin. The top layer of the skin, the epidermis, dries out and can go flaking. This can counteract the morning after using retinol, using a moisturizing cream or lotion.
Tretinoïde to this effect even stronger, consultation with a dermatologist about ways to counter this.

Vitamin C

Your skin ages, because your body gets older. The body makes less collagen and elastin to.
Collagen and elastin are the substances that make your skin strong and yet flexible. With less of these substances occur wrinkles, and a less elastic and sagging skin.
The antioxidants in vitamin C can stimulate the production of collagen, reducing wrinkles and fine lines. It might even help scars.

Co-enzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10)

We all know the signs of the expensive creams with Q-10. But what is Q-10 mean?
Q-10 is a co-enzyme that produces the body naturally. It is the antioxidant of the body that fights free radicals. But as you age, the body produces less of it to.
Therefore, it is used in skin care products. Research indicates that these products help with Q-10 against crow's feet.


Caffeine is a free unknown antioxidant. Researchers are just not yet behind whether or not now helps to lubricate the skin.
So why is it then today in so many different skin care products?
Because there is evidence that it helps in the prevention of skin cancer, and the lines and wrinkles on the face makes less deep. It helps especially good at the crow's feet around the eyes.

Other popular ingredients

With so many skin care products, there are obviously many more popular ingredients. To give you an idea, I have some of these popular ingredients for you below, put in a row.

Alpha-hydroxy acids

Alpha-hydroxy acids are a group of natural acids that occur in many products. Well-known acids in this group are glycolic acid, lactic acid, citric acid and tartaric acid.
Glycolic acid is thereby the longest used in skin care products, and is used because the dead skin cells are removed, and makes the skin softer and smoother. In addition, glycolic acid would give the skin a nice look.
Alpha-hydroxy acids exfoliating the skin as it were, and would also assist in addition to the reduction of fine lines, age spots, acne, scars, and uneven skin tone.
Treatments with high levels of alpha-hydroxy acids are mainly given by aestheticians and dermatologists, but at the drugstore are also resources available that contain a lower amount.
Usually, the concentrations between 5 and 10 percent in creams and lotions for daily use.
The scrub effect of alpha-hydroxy acids can cause irritations. So be careful with those daily creams, if you suffer from it (or just a precaution) then lubricate every day on your face, slowly building up to every day.
Dermatologists also recommend to avoid irritation and drying out of the skin, to use alpha-hydroxy acids in combination with a moisturizing cream.
Alpha-hydroxy acids can also make the skin more sensitive to the sun, so it is best combined with a moisturizing sunscreen.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is mainly found in products for acne, both prescribed medicines as drugs that are freely available.
Salicylic acid penetrates deep into the pores and dissolves the accumulated sebum on there. Salicylic acid also exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells, but with less irritation than the alpha-hydoxyzuren.
But, like the alpha-hydroxy acids reduces the signs of skin aging in the same manner.
There are people who are allergic to salicylates, and then you should not use salicylic acid. Salicylates example also found in aspirin, so be careful if you can not at aspirins.
It is also wise to consult a doctor before use during pregnancy and lactation. Salicylic acid can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is mainly found in anti-aging products. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the body and keeps tissues in good condition.
In the body it not only for your skin but also in synovial fluid and connective tissues. Your body makes less of it on as you get older, as well as smoking and an unhealthy diet can cause you to make less.
Hyaluronic acid works better in combination with vitamin C, and ensures a smoother and clearer skin.


As I have discussed in previous articles, skin care products can certainly help to keep your skin youthful and tight.However, your diet and overall lifestyle ultimately the most important factor.
You only eat junk food and do not exercise, then your skin will age faster. But if you have a healthy lifestyle and choose the most effective skin care products on the basis of the above article, they can definitely give you a helping hand.
Discuss always with your doctor before you take new products when you have very sensitive skin or skin disorders, or if you suffer from allergic reactions quickly.


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