If someone says to you that he or she has been regularly meditating, how do you respond?Do you think that only 'woolly stuff' or ask your interested on how it goes and what the effects are experienced by the individual concerned? It is a fact that meditation can do a lot for your body and mind, at least if you're here to open.
What can be the possible effects on your body and mind, I describe in this article.At the end of the article I give you meditate a super-mini course: The basics of meditation!
1) Prevent Depression

A depression is born! I'm not saying that this may be the only causes of depression, but the most common.Someone who is depressed is constantly worrying and has many negative and depressive thoughts. It would be so easy to stop this 'normal'.
Converting a button. But it does not work unfortunately. The person has at some stage completely lost control over his or her thoughts.
And that's exactly what meditation is about: Complete control (back) get over your own thoughts and how you deal with it. Someone who is in a depression, this recovery may be by to meditate. Even if you do not have depression, you can meditate by preventing you ever come into a depression.
2) Reduce Anxiety
As with depression, it is going to fears about the manageability of your thoughts. If anxious thoughts often go on the course with your mind, and follow all delusions which may not even exist or have no sense. By gaining control over these thoughts, and how you are going to handle it, you can also control your fears (better).
A recent study from 2013 (1) showed that four of meditation classes every 20 minutes be enough to reduce the anxiety by almost 40 percent. In order to work the way anxiety completely there will still be many meditation is to be applied, because the effect becomes smaller and smaller, of course.It is not to say that if four classes is a reduction of 40%, you lost after 10 times you full of fear.
3) Better multitasking
It is a fact that meditation not only brings peace in your mind but also your brains effectively. So you could perform better at work. To demonstrate this is selected by a team of scientists, a group of managers. First of all, the current activities were investigated and recorded.
Then one half of the group was asked to meditate, while the other half continued as usual as they did before. This showed very clearly that the group who had meditated could perform certain tasks much better and were able to bring a successful conclusion.
Especially multitasking this group was much better than the group that had not meditated.
The leaders who had meditated thus, could not just stand concentrate better, but also had a lot less stress as a result of the (busy) work. All in all, a definite must. Meditating during the workday? Reimbursed by the employer?Meditating would indeed increase the productivity and efficiency of employees.
4) Better focus
In base running meditation for concentration and self-control, particularly control of your thoughts. That's actually the whole essence of meditation. As a result of this ability to focus and control, you better keep your attention on the work you're doing. This overlaps a little the previous point, but that was particular about a work situation. In this issue I talk about all aspects of your life, all you're doing and what you want to do.
Here, too, of course, is studied. For this, a group of 17 random individuals sent to a wide meditation course, after the level of attention and concentration was measured. After the course these same points were checked again, and it was shown clearly that the attention and concentration were greatly improved.
5) More creative spirit
By applying a certain way of meditating, you can activate the part of the brain that are responsible for your resolution. In particular, the creative side thereof. Here, too, are of course studies (2) to done. This is a group of people selected of which half was a meditation course, while the other half received no training on offer. The whole group had never done anything besides meditating.
They were there all 'fresh' opposite.
After the course was completed one half of the group was asked everyone to think of as many applications for the use of a brick. There are of course necessary for creative minds to come up with more than just 'build a house', 'building wall' or 'window smashing. The group that had done the meditation course, had per person most ideas.
From this you can conclude that meditation is good for activating the creative resolution of your brains.
6) Better Memory
Another great benefit of meditation for works: You simply can your working memory provide a significant boost by meditating. This allows you to eventually work faster. Compare it with a computer: the memory of a computer consists of high-speed memory (RAM) which is actually short-term memory is. The larger the memory of the computer, the more calculations and operations can run the computer. And not only more, but also much faster.
Similarly, it works with the human memory. By meditating you can own RAM make it bigger and go faster. Of course there are also studies done, and which has shown that improvements between 20% and 50% are fine achievable.Even after a relatively short introductory course on meditation.
7) re-structuring Brains
Meditation is a very powerful technique to control your mind. But when used correctly, you can go a step further by re-structuring your own brain. The brains are generally much more flexible than you might think, and is able to adapt relatively quickly to new situations and circumstances. By meditating you can achieve this in a relatively short period.
After a period of only eight weeks, the scans of the brains of a group of subjects were scanned again, and revealed that the part of the brain from which the memory and learning is controlled, had increased significantly: the gray matter in the hippocampus was increased.
We are thus ourselves in a position to influence the functioning of our brains, so we own our quality of life can improve.
8) Pushing the pain threshold
As a result of the above-mentioned advantage for the restructuring of our brains, there are other factors which we can influence itself. We may find ourselves as it were 'conditioning'. This can be applied among other things with regard to the experience of pain. Everyone has a certain pain threshold, and it is this can be shifted by means of meditation. Then you can endure more pain before it really starts to do much. Because pain is ultimately just "only" a signal from the brains that something goes wrong with your body.
Thus, by conditioning your brains, you can push this pain.
Of course also study here again (3) to done. The study showed clearly that the pain threshold changed after meditation. The cause of this could lie in the fact that the cortex is thickened by meditating, which can be associated with the changing threshold of pain.
9) More compassion
People who meditate are generally more compassionate and humane. At least that is already very long claimed by the people who teach meditation and practice. Again this is a scientifically researched, showing that this is indeed true. For this, a test was done with subjects who did not realize that they were tested at that time. Some subjects were regular practitioners of meditation, while others had absolutely nothing with it.
The subjects were all, one by one, faced with a situation in a waiting room. In that room were two people (actors) and the subject. A third actor came in, apparently traumatized and with terrible pain. "Normally everyone would jump up to help the best man, but the two actors sat where they sat and ignored the poor man completely.
This gave a clear signal to the subject to interfere just not easy.
The people who did meditation, actually sat and followed the two actors to ignore the poor man. Of subjects that do to doing meditation, half were indeed inclined to help the poor man. With this they ignored the group behavior of the two actors, and followed their own intuition and feeling.
10) Better emotional balance
Eventually meditate result in a much better emotional balance. By your emotions and thoughts better to be the boss, you have laid a foundation upon which you all possible (emotional and rational) actions can base. The fact is that if you are completely in balance, and you feel that way, that all is suddenly better in life.
That is all accessible by meditating simply.
Meditate super-mini course
Meditating is definitely not something you 'just' teaching moment. Meditation is a process to achieve a certain result. If you want to learn to meditate, it is wise to take a course here, in order to better master the basic anyway. If you know the basics, you can meditate after himself better use and develop for yourself.
Also, you should know that there are many different ways exist to meditate, but remains the basic structure and principles broadly the same.
To give you an idea about the basics of meditation, here meditate a super-mini basic course:
Body and mind relax
This is the most convenient part. Of course you can relax in many ways, and you know best how this works best for you. Meditating you do decide to do not cross-legged like you always see. Each attitude is fine, as long as it suits you, and as long as you with that attitude can best relax.
If that means you sprawled on the bed, or in your easy chair, or lying in the grass ... it does not matter, as long as you relax only.
You may combine this with soothing music and do some exercises to relax your muscles really relax completely.What is important is that you can not be disturbed. So go meditate preferably in a locked room or at least a place where people can not unexpected bump. Of course not bad, but it obviously bothers ever in your meditation.
See your mind without committing to an emotion
Once you're physically relaxed, you'll work on the relaxation of your mind. This step has been a little more difficult.Normally, you tend to jump with your thoughts and forth. This is of course all the impressions that you are constantly confronted with in their daily lives.
Just think of all the incentives that you get from social media, and your mobile in general. Now focus all thoughts that come by. It does not matter what it is. Leave all thoughts come, but do not try to connect with emotion here. As a thought passes over your boss, you start not to make angry right away, but let the thought pass.
Consider so all your external thoughts, like you're a different person 'sort' your thoughts on it. This is an exercise that can be very difficult for many people, just because you are always accustomed to respond to stimuli, and there is often directly linked to an emotion.
The more you meditate, it will be increasingly easier.
Focus yourself on anything
If you are meditating, you are increasingly going to focus your mind on one thing. Through this focus, you can easily eliminate all other thoughts get out of your head. Often, the focus is then on breathing. Very smart of course, because the breathing is very important in meditation.
Two birds with one stone: You control your breathing, and you are you to focus on one thing. But you can of course you focus on all the other things. Think of those lovely flower you saw this afternoon in the garden, or a fun event of the previous day.
It certainly does not matter how you concentrate, if it's something positive, or at least neutral. Avoid any kind of negative feeling.
Focus yourself on anything
And then comes the ultimate goal of meditation: completely empty your mind and really to 'nothing' thinking. Many people will then think "... I can not think of anything ... I can not think of anything ... I can not think of anything ...", but that's also not the intention. Your thoughts must currently be completely empty!
This is very difficult, and will only succeed if you are experienced in meditation, possibly in combination with proper guidance. To nothing thinking is a lot of training needed. For now let's just for what it is. Go first have to work on the first three points. Once you have it down pat, you can further continue the journey.Finally + video
If by this article has aroused your interest to meditate, and you want serious work to do here, you can try yourself using the above tips. But if you want to have the maximum effect in the shortest possible time, then I suggest you to enable a skilled person who can guide you in this.
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